If your business can take advantage of tax breaks associated with buying a company car and if the purchase will not strain cash flow, then the time may be right to invest in a company-owned vehicle.
While automakers and dealers offering fleet deals used to look for buyers in the market for 10 or more vehicles, in today’s buyer’s market, business owners can find deals on purchases of three or four vehicles. For businesses that can pay cash for company cars, the deals may be even better.
Review the considerations listed below then decide if using a Merchant Cash Advance is the best answer for your business. Remember, while a Merchant Cash Advance provides working capital that business owners can use to cover sudden expenses, disruptions in services, or to stabilize cash flow during emergencies, the best use for a Merchant Cash Advance is as an investment in your company’s growth.
Considerations - Is the business delivering products, carrying more equipment or meeting with more clients? Congratulations! Your business is likely ready for its own vehicle. In fact, among the advantages of company-owned vehicles is their convenience for employees, the tax savings and the opportunity for mobile marketing and branding.
Employee convenience – Depending on the type of vehicle required, both employees and the company may benefit by the use of a company-owned car, truck or van. Plumbers, electricians and other similar types of businesses require specific types of vehicles in order to be able to do their jobs, so providing these employees with the right vehicle is not just a perk but a necessity. That said, don’t underestimate the value of a company car when creating an incentive package for employees.
Tax savings – The entire cost of a company vehicle can be taken as a corporate deduction. Be sure to keep careful records of your business’ auto-related expenses. There are two methods of claiming expenses:
- Actual expense method - Keep track of and deduct all of your actual business-related expenses.
- Standard mileage rate method - Deduct a certain amount (the standard mileage rate) for each mile driven, plus all business-related tolls and parking fees. For 2011, the standard mileage rate is 51 cents per business mile driven, an increase from the 50 cents per mile rate in effect for 2010.
Marketing and branding – Gain visibility and generate new sales and income for your business by outfitting the new vehicle with simple and direct signage that builds brand recognition. (Tip: when investing in signage for your business vehicle, spend a little more for auto-related promotional products such as window decals, car door magnets or bumper stickers.)
A Note about Leasing:
Lease deals are typically offered on specific makes and models, and contracts may be difficult to change should your business’ needs change before the lease is up. As well, your business would have to pay a fixed, monthly amount for something that may not be the most suitable, like a truck, delivery van or other special needs vehicle. With a Merchant Cash Advance, your business can buy just the right vehicle and remittance is handled through your credit card processor.
How does a Merchant Cash Advance work? - Your business gets the lump sum of capital needed right away. Spend that on whatever auto-related purchase your business needs. Then over time, the remittance is handled through your credit card processor and normal sales activity. (Learn more about how a Merchant Cash Advance works.)
THIS IS NOT INVESTMENT, TAX OR LEGAL ADVICE. Consult with a financial advisor, accountant or attorney before making important decisions in these areas.
Considering this and filing of taxes is all part of effective fleet management.
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