Thursday, May 15, 2008

Can I Use a Merchant Cash Advance for Taxes?

While a Merchant Cash Advance can be used quite successfully to handle your business’ tax obligations, it is important to note it will not work for handling personal tax payments.

A Merchant Cash Advance must be used for a business purpose, and a personal tax obligation is not considered a business expense.

Pay Off Quarterlies
If you are looking to handle your business’ quarterly tax payments, a Merchant Cash Advance might be a great option to consider. Another way that business owners have used a Merchant Cash Advance to their advantage during a tax crunch is to handle routine expenses with a Merchant Cash Advance in order to have the flexibility to devote more resources toward a tax obligation. Sound easy? It is.

Slower Season? No Problem.
One of the benefits of using a Merchant Cash Advance is that your payments align with your business’ cash flow. This means if a slower season or a little down time happens to occur, you can reduce the impact this has on your ability to stay current with your obligations. If your business’ credit card sales slow down a bit after you have received funding, your Merchant Cash Advance payments will likewise be less. As business picks back up, the payments you make will increase accordingly. Merchant Cash Advance providers get paid when you get paid. (Learn more about How a Merchant Cash Advance works).

No Strings.
Tax time can make anyone a little anxious. Even when you see it coming, it can feel like it takes you completely by surprise. Coming up with a lump sum of cash for a quarterly payment can feel intimidating. Nerve wracking. Alleviate your stress by knowing you have it covered. A Merchant Cash Advance is your ace in the hole. It is simple, and can help you stay on track.

This is a funding product specifically designed to be easy…easy to understand and easy to use as needed. There are no hidden fees or unplanned charges. No strings. A Merchant Cash Advance can help remove the worry from tax time.

Get what you need, and get back to business. Simple.

For more information on small business taxes, refer to the Internal Revenue Service website:

What do you think?
What do you consider the worst part of taxes for a small business owner?